Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Old coffee can= cute planter

I love pinterest with the best of them. And i get so excited when i see all of the talented people showing their crafts on pinterest. I found some folks who had made their own planters out of all kinds of different household items. I went to Lowes, and bought my mums for 2.50 each. They arent huge mums, but they are nice and full. I decided to use my husbands coffee cans, considering he has 100 stocked up for no apparent reason. ( insert sarcasm). But obvioulsy i didnt want Folgers on the planter. ( no offense Folgers ) . So, i had some burlap fabric that i love, i have had it forever, for a curtain project that i didnt ever complete.. shocker. Ok, so i cut the fabric to fit the coffee can, glued it on and planted my mums! easy peasy. I also made a small bow out of the same burlap fabric and attached it to the planter. I plan on making more!!

what do you think? If you make yourself some, please share your ideas with me! i love to see all of the different ideas that can be done with this. Happy Fall Y'all!


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