Thursday, August 13, 2015

I Read Books..

I used to read alot. I loved to read as a kid... then i had kids. Its like i forgot books even existed unless they were a board book, or a coloring book.  So lately i have tried to get back into finding  books that i like to read. I am a book snob.. or i guess i should say, there are very few types of genres of books that i enjoy. I am a supernatural, science fiction.. not to scary... suspenseful.. no foul language and no adult scenes type of reader. I dont dig super intense romance novels.. a little dab will do me in that area. I love all things supernatural anyway, especially in my tv shows , so its not  a suprise to me that i love it as far as reading too.  Some of my favorite things are zombies, vampires, werewolves, shape shifters... angels.. witches.. all of that good stuff. So I started reading again. Its been nice. So i wanted to share with you my thought on some of the books i have read in the past couple of months. Here goes..
The first book I read recently was called Embers ( Wings of  War Book 1)

This book is by Karen Ann Hopkins. I ran acrossed it on amazon and it was free! I thought I would give it a try, just to see how it was. I honestly didnt have very high expectations. It was free after all. I was so pleasantly suprised! This is a very good book, and I am so happy that I happened upon it. The story is about a teen girl named Ember, but like you can guess Ember isnt any average teen age girl. I dont want to give it all away, but because the death of her parents in a fiery car wreck, that she survived she is now living with family members and its not a ideal situation. Anywho, she ends up moving in with a elderly lady that her parents were close with and she finds out some pretty cool stuff about herself. Like ... she has powers?! Yes. And she comes into contact with some pretty intersting people and the rest you will have to read. The story leads you to believe that the world is going to end and Ember is going to play a huge role in the battle between good and evil. Thats it, I am not going to tell you anymore. I just loved it, and it kept me interested, it wasn't too romance-ish.. not hardly a profanity in the book. I give it a huge thumbs up! Now i am finding out that there is another book that picks up where this one left off. Unfortuately it isnt free like this one was , but i still plan on reading it. Super excited! So if you have a kindle, or a iphone or a ipad and you dont have the free kindle app downloaded on your phone... do it. Now. 
Take care everyone, i am working on reading another book and will give my opinions asap!!


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