Monday, November 24, 2014

Christmas Stuff

I have been getting excited about decorating for Christmas! Although i do have to say that i feel like Turkey Day does need to be recognized .. i generally start right after Thanksgiving. I have to live very frugal, although i do splurge every now again.  Over all i have champagne taste with a beer pocket book, at least that is the term my mom uses to describe this problem.
So just like everyone else on the planet, i search pinterest looking for cheap fun ideas for Christmas. I have pinned hundreds of things and havent made hardly anything. This year i am determined to do it differently.
Here are some things i have found:

This makes me want to go to Dollar Tree right. now. This is super cute! And it looks like a more expensive decoration , than what it really is! I am hoping my Dollar Tree has these same items.
And i found this as well, but i must tell you to read this blog post and tutorial for this cute little number. Its my kind of decoration
 So I am getting pumped to do some cheap decorating! There is a super good chance mine will look nothing like this, however I will give it a go. 
What awesome cheap decoration ideas do you do around this time of year?


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